Thursday, December 29, 2005

A Long Time Back!

One day i found a bird...
flying high,
suddenly touched the ground,
never know why!!
I observed her with curiosity,
she was searching for something,

when I asked her.....
She was searching for her
presence in the world,
but everything seemed to be curled....

She found herself in every men,
Who felt lonely and was sad.
She found herself in every heart,
That was murdered for hurting fad.
She found herself in every word,
That had lost its meaning.
Atleast she could find her presence,
In the world of dealing.

I wondered what
the little bird might be feeling...
Just for the sake of comparision,
I tried to locate my presence...
with in me!!
But whats that??

I couldnt find myself there,
under the sky of free.
I couldnt find my heart,
to be as a part of me.
I tried to find a few words,
Those can reflect my presence...
But I forgot that I had lost the world
I was searching for.....
A long time back!!!



Manish said...

Hey a wonderful reflects what I usually think when I try to reason out my life...

Arti Honrao said...

I agree with Amrit...
Beautiful poem

Happy New Year