With every drop of water...
Thats coming from the Heaven,
I let your memories be washed away...
From my heart and from my soul...
So we may live in peace,
Forgetting the past spent together,
The moments of love...
The moments of joy...
The moments when we had nothing to say,
Peacefully under the moon we both lay...
Silent yet speaking the heart,
We knew we are going to get apart!
With every drop of water...
Thats coming from the Heaven...
I let all your gifts be taken away...
From my heart and from my soul...
So we may live in placidity,
Letting the world go its own way,
And again quietly we both pray,
Not for each other but for the cosmos,
For the universe around...
Where we stay,
To be happy and to be nice...
So we may smile with every sun rise!
With every drop of water...
Thats coming from the Heaven...
I shall let myself be taken away...
From my heart and from my soul...
So I may lay in serenity,
Letting everyone behind be free,
Of all the worries and trouble I chip in...
And I may sleep in feather soft coffin,
To enter the world I always dreamt,
To be free of whatever I took or whatever I lent,
Just include me in your daily prayer,
To be safe in HIS tender care!
touching to the bottom of heart n soul....
Almost coinciding with my situation...........
U r speaking my thoughts.......
I repeat what others said because that is so true ...
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